Noah's Mission Trip

Noah's Mission Trip
WILL YOU HELP US TO MAKE SURE THAT NO CHILD WILL EVER BE ABANDONNED TWICE? This summer I have an amazing opportunity to travel with Move A Mountain Missions to Jamaica where I will spend a week living and working at home for abandoned children who suffer from a range of physical and intellectual disabilities. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to serve some of the most vulnerable members of our human family. The children’s home where we will be serving is called Mustard Seed Communities. Monsignor Gregory Ramkissoon established this organization in Kingston in 1978 in response to a growing number of children with mental or physical disabilities being abandoned on the streets. Through his hard work and the generous contributions of many others, this small seed of hope began to grow. Mustard Seed currently provides loving and lifelong care for over 600 children and adults across 5 countries. During this weeklong experience I will have many amazing opportunities, including: • Be immersed in another culture and gain an experience of the universal Church. • Work directly with the residents with disabilities by helping with feeding, praying with them, and simply being present. • Fulfill work projects such as landscaping, painting, or building wheelchair accessible walkways. • Grow in my faith and love for Jesus Christ and in particularly for the Eucharist. • Develop Christ Centered friendships with the other members of our mission team through shared meals, discussion, and prayer. I am very excited about this opportunity to focus on the needs of others, and I am seeking supporters to make this trip a reality. In order to faithfully carry out this mission, first and foremost WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS. I am looking to recruit 20 prayer partners who will commit to praying for the children of Mustard Seed as well as the safety and success of our trip. Secondly, WE ARE RAISING FUNDS for this cause. Each mission team member has a goal of raising $1000 to support Mustard Seed and enable them to continue their work caring for the most vulnerable. 100% of all donations received will go directly to Mustard Seed Communities so you can be confident feel confident in your investment. On behalf of the children at Mustard Seed and our entire mission team, thank you for your support!

Honor Roll

“Thank you, Noah, for your service to this mission!”


Gary Kroner
Feb 22, 2025
Pennsylvania, US

“God bless your time in Jamaica!”


Laura Mayer
May 31, 2024
Pennsylvania, US

“Be safe and shine the light of Christ Noah!”


Julie Casper
May 2, 2024
Pennsylvania, US

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3 donors

Fundraiser created by
Noah Pepmeyer
Pennsylvania, United States


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